Faraday Pharmaceuticals is a South Lake Union based biopharmaceutical company. The company’s point person for Ember, Dr. Toombs, set up the company’s starter IT system himself when they established their Seattle office, but knew he needed help as they planned for fast growth and a series of upcoming office moves.
EmberOne is invisible in the best way. We now have no IT issues, and we know Ember will always show up when we call. Their entire team has the right level of geek, but can easily communicate with anyone in our office to proactively and reactively take care of us. That’s rare.
The chairman of the company was sensitive to and had questions about their projected IT investment. Faraday required critical IT multiuser functionality and connectivity from their lab technology to their workstations and servers. They needed to purchase equipment, build racks, implement a firewall, connect IT between floors, and ensure seamless IT functionality (without loss of productivity) during an upcoming three-part office move. Dr. Toombs, Faraday’s point person for Ember, was smart about IT but also knew where his limitations were, so he began looking for an experienced IT vendor who could help him “sell” the right infrastructure and IT service to the board. Ember was recommended through rave reviews by Accelerator, one of Faraday’s partners.
Ember stepped in and provided a cost sensitive, realistic IT project and service plan to accommodate every one of Faraday’s IT needs and office move phases. Then, Ember went the extra mile to clearly outline ways for Toombs to successfully present to Faraday’s chairman the cost savings and expected ROI for Embers’ overall solution. Ember had completely secured the trust and respect of Toombs and the Board and a year into their work for Faraday, Ember remains a vital partner to their operational and business success.